Invest in Africa’s most profitable sector

Projections show Africa’s farmers and agribusinesses could create a trillion-dollar food market by 2030. This offers tremendous potential for the economy from more capital, electricity, better technology, and irrigated land to growing high-value nutritious foods.  Futures Agribusiness is on the frontline of change through strategic partner linkages between Africa and the United States.

Screen Shot 2016-02-13 at 9.36.17 PMWe are a different kind of company.

At Futures Agribusiness, we abide by our corporate credo: “Put the needs of the people we serve first.” That credo is framed in all of our actions with clients, partners, investors, and in African communities from urban to rural. Interfacing with a variety of market segments, where language and cultural differences are present, leads us to always consider how our customers see us. We are mindful of how they interpret our words, images, features, services, and programs. Gaining feedback helps us to grow, knowing that to remain static is to lose customers. Also, because what holds attention governs action, we look at not just external perceptions, but how our internal audiences, our team members, view how we manage. We listen, understand, and then act. Doing so keeps us front and center in the minds of the publics we serve and reminds them, through our actions, that we put them first.

Industries we serve

Food Processing

Food processing is the set of methods and techniques used to transform raw ingredients into food or transform food into other forms for human or animal consumption in the home or within the food processing industry. Food processing involves clean harvested crops or butchered animal products suitable for producing attractive, marketable and often long shelf-life food products. We work with our clients on ways to maintain food security, minimize post-harvest loss, and stimulate wealth, employment, and overall enhanced quality of life in Africa.


Agroindustry involves large-scale production, processing, and packaging of food using modern equipment and methods.  We support large scale farming yet not in the absence of serving smaller farmers where we encourage working within cooperatives or farmers associations.  This process has multiple benefits, among them securing credit and broadening market accessibility.


Agroforestry is a method and system of land management involving the cultivation of farm crops and trees.  Agroforestry ensures a continuous food supply, economic return, and avoidance of soil degradation. We encourage sustainable growth from sustainable management of natural resources.

Engineering and Agricultural Mechanization

Developing and modernizing Africa’s agriculture and its agro-industries depends, to a large extent, on transforming education and entrepreneurship policies. Engineering and agricultural mechanization are key. There is an urgency to guarantee food security and to develop mechanization policies or adjustments that place Africa’s farmers on a sustainable path to commercial farming. We advise clients in ways that allow for keeping pace with productivity and efficiency.  Mechanization is not job replacement, and we provide a balance that eliminates that treat.

Crop and Animal Inputs

Fertilizers, agro-chemical, seeds, and veterinary products represent some of the crop and animal inputs. Each is vital to food production.  We show farmers the best process for achieving this objective and within a framework that supports trade relations.

Crop and Animal Production

Rethinking ways to satisfy local food demands and preserving the environment takes ideas that resonate with land use, input costs, economics, and citizen engagement. Client needs are at the forefront of our mission, and we explore opportunities, including combinations of high yield crop and animal production.

Climate Smart Agriculture and Precision 

Global climate change impacts agriculture and food security.  The prevalence of extreme weather events and unpredictability of weather patterns can lead to reduced production, impact food costs, and decrease incomes in vulnerable areas. Developing countries and small farmers and pastoralists, in particular, are especially affected by these changes. We arm our clients with the facts and provide options for adaptation to climate change and other environmental risks.  We also make technologies and financial services available, and support transformation without depletion of natural resources.